Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month! This is a topic near & dear to our hearts. We have worked with children and their families navigate the struggles of mental health for years as well as navigating our own mental health as individuals and parents. We believe it essential to talk about mental health and know that you are not alone!

Here are some helpful websites if you or someone you know has questions about mental health and where to start getting help.

If you’re in the Chicago area, check out the Sip of Hope Coffee Bar located in the Logan Square neighborhood. It’s the world’s first coffee shop where all of its proceeds support mental health education and suicide prevention. Their baristas are trained in mental health first aid and can provide resources as well as a tasty cup of coffee. Check out their website or visit them at 3039 West Fullerton Avenue in Chicago.

Your child’s school team (e.g., teachers, social worker, speech therapist, etc.) and pediatrician are great resources if you are noticing any changes in your child’s mood or affect. If you have questions about how you are feeling, please reach out to your doctor! No questions are dumb - your mental health is worth acknowledging and supporting!

Remember - it’s okay to not be okay!!


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