These are a few of my [unique] favorite things!

My daughter can watch a movie over and over again, as long as there are songs for her to sing & dance along to! A movie she truly enjoys is The Sound of Music - my daughter often pretends to be Brigitta and says “I want to go visit those mountains” when she sees the opening scene! This got me thinking about a song I’ve heard many, many, many times, My Favorite Things. Of course everyone tells you about the essentials when having kids - a stroller, crib, monitor, swaddles, a good diaper bag. And yes, you should do your research about what works best for you but in episode 5 of the podcast, we shared some of our unique favorite things for babies and toddlers beyond the typical baby-registry additions!!

Also, don’t forget our tip about checking out Facebook Marketplace. This is a great option for the pricier items that you only use for a few months (e.g., bassinets, swings, etc.). This is also a great spot to find strollers and clothes.

What is on your must-have list?!

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